Remembering the passed

Tributes to the dead are everywhere.
I'd forgotten how dedicated Italians are to honoring their friends and relatives who have died. Walking around the shores of Lake Iseo I've been surprised by the number of cemeteries I've stumbled across. Most of them feature walls of tributes to Italians long-since and more recently passed. The cemeteries are always compact and vibrant with flowers, a surprising number of which are fresh. While I never ran into another human being at any of these quiet oases, the carefully placed fresh flowers and other offerings made it clear that these parted souls are not forgotten and are most certainly missed.
Maybe it's because I'm still reeling from the loss of my favorite person on the planet. Or maybe because on this trip I find myself thinking so much about Felix. Or maybe I can imagine Felix and his willingness to approach such places with respect and wonder. Whatever it is, I've taken a great deal of comfort wandering these places of the passed.

Creative director and art nerd contemplating travel, books, theater, and art.